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ARC Inside Home Faculty and Staff Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) works to meet the professional development needs of the ARC community. The CTL supports professional development that helps the college fulfill its mission, values, and commitment to social justice and equity, and to achieve its strategic goals. ARC community members develop and facilitate professional development opportunities. In addition, CTL partners with members of the greater community to offer professional learning experiences at ARC.

Upcoming CTL/Flex/PD Events

Featured Reading

Subtle Acts of Exclusion

By Tiffany Jana and Michael Baran.

Available on Amazon.

Book cover

Many in our college community have expressed interest in learning more effective skills for dealing with microaggressions when they occur among colleague and with students. Since there is nothing "micro" about microaggressions, the authors of this book instead refer to them as "subtle acts of exclusion," to more accurately identify the impact. This book challenges us to take responsibility for being authentically kind, taking a deep dive into our conditioning, and doing what we can to change the "shadows" in our personal and professional cultures that often go unacknowledged.

Submit a PD Request

Let us know if you have an idea for professional development or request a professional development training or event.

ADA Accessibility Accommodations

  • Every effort will be made to provide accessibility services for requests made in advance of Flex Week events (at least 3-5 business days advance notice is recommended).
  • For division, department, and program meetings, please submit accommodation requests to your division office.
  • For other events, please contact Christina Wagner


Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Innovation:
Dr. Brenda Valles

CTL Resource Assistant:
Christina Wagner

Faculty Liaisons:

Sonya Reichel, Math

Jeff Sacha, Sociology

Victor Zarate, Physics


Spring and Fall Hours
Monday - Friday:
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
We are closed in the Summer
