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June Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
5:30 pm

Add to Calendar 06/12/2024 05:30 PM 06/12/2024 America/Los_Angeles June Regular Board Meeting The Los Rios Board of Trustees meets monthly. Learn how to join this public meeting. Board Room Clerk of the Board false MM/dd/yyyy


This is an in-person event.


Clerk of the Board
(916) 568-3039


Visit the Board Agendas and Minutes page for the meeting agenda.

Meeting Procedures

Public Comment

There is a public comment period at the beginning of every board meeting. Speakers are limited to three minutes. If you wish to speak to a particular item on the current board agenda, then your comments will be taken up at the time the Board takes up that item. Members of the public have the following options to offer a public comment:

  • Email your full name and the matter you wish to speak about to no later than 3:00 pm on the day of the board meeting, and you will be called on by the board president during this portion of the meeting.
  • For online meetings, use the Q&A function in Zoom to submit your full name and the matter you wish to speak about to the Clerk of the Board. You will be called on by the Board President during this portion of the meeting.
  • For online meetings, if participating by phone, you may “raise your hand” by dialing *9 during the public comments portion of the meeting. When you raise your hand, you will be recognized by the President of the Board and asked to provide your full name and the matter you wish to speak about.
  • At in-person meetings, fill out a yellow Speakers' Card and submit it to the Clerk of the Board before the meeting is called to order.

Recording of Meetings

Board meetings are recorded for minute-keeping purposes and are available upon request within 30 days of the meeting.


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