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ARC Inside Home Institutional Planning Inside Calendar and Events Undocu-Knowledge Series: Debunking Misinformation: a Roundtable with CHIRLA

Undocu-Knowledge Series: Debunking Misinformation: a Roundtable with CHIRLA

Date and Time

Wednesday, January 29, 2025
1:00 to 2:00 pm

Add to Calendar 01/29/2025 01:00 PM 01/29/2025 02:00 PM America/Los_Angeles Undocu-Knowledge Series: Debunking Misinformation: a Roundtable with CHIRLA Join us for an engaging roundtable discussion with CHIRLA (Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights) to address common misconceptions about immigration policies, rights, and resources. Alejandro Torres false MM/dd/yyyy


This is an online event.


Alejandro Torres
(916) 691-7447

The Los Rios blue logo with a Monarch butterfly and the words Undocumented Student Support Los Rios Community College District

Join us for an engaging roundtable discussion with CHIRLA (Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights) to address common misconceptions about immigration policies, rights, and resources. This workshop aims to empower participants by providing accurate information, clarifying myths often perpetuated in the media, and answering your most pressing questions.

Hosted by CRC Dream Center, SCC Undocu-Resource Connection, and ARC Undocu-Scholar Center

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