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ARC Inside Home Institutional Planning Learning Outcomes Institutional Student Learning Outcomes

Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) are currently assessed using multiple measures. ISLOs are assessed by faculty through the Authentic Assessment Review Record (AARR), which involves a review of student work demonstrating achievement of a randomly assigned course SLO. Faculty record student achievement for the associated ISLO based on one or more authentic assessments that they regularly perform in their classes. ISLOs are also assessed through student surveys and student focus groups. Previously, ISLOs were assessed using the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), a nationally normed survey of student engagement geared specifically toward community college students. To improve on alignment between survey items and the ISLOs, a homegrown survey, developed in part through student focus groups, will be utilized going forward (Spring 2019 onward). Importantly, this latter methodology affords the capacity to disaggregate the ISLO assessment results by traditionally disproportionately impacted student populations.

The overall college model of ISLO assessment is reviewed by the SLOAC on a 6-year cycle. The next review is scheduled for Spring 2023.

  • Demonstrate and employ marketable skills and personal qualities for professional growth and career advancement.
  • Demonstrate skills and behaviors which contribute to open and respectful communication of diverse ideas and beliefs.
  • Utilize a variety of methods to communicate effectively.
  • Employ strategies to work cooperatively and effectively with others.
  • Locate and critically evaluate information from a variety of sources, including those accessed through technology, to create informed responses to issues, problems, and challenges.
  • Recognize the responsibility to behave as an ethical citizen, contributing personal knowledge, resources, and skills for the benefit of the local and larger communities.
  • For students earning degrees, demonstrate an understanding of the basic content and methodology for the major areas of knowledge, including the arts and humanities, quantitative reasoning, the natural sciences, and the social sciences.